十大靠谱网赌平台公司把每一个走进我们前门的人的健康和舒适放在我们的优先事项列表的顶端. Whether you are coming in for a checkup, getting surgery, 或者见到所爱的人——你的健康和舒适对我们来说是世界上最重要的事情. Our facilities are state of the art, our doctors and staff are experts in their fields, 我们每一个每天来我们工厂工作的人都是来帮助你的.
医院和大奥奈达地区的场地为来访者或病人提供了许多选择,使您在我们这里度过的时光尽可能愉快. Let us break down some of the rules, amenities, and shops that you should keep in mind during your time here.
Looking for a more in-depth patient services directory? Click here.
Where are we?
The main campus is located off NYS Route 5 in Oneida, NY. 您可以在GPS中输入的地址是321 Genesee St, Oneida, NY 13421.
十大靠谱网赌平台中心是一家拥有101张床位的急症护理医院和160张床位的延长护理设施以及获得纽约州许可的短期康复设施. 我们的大型校园拥有最先进的技术和医疗保健专业人员,他们拥有让您和您的亲人保持健康所需的专业知识.
- 访客停车位指定在主入口正对面的街道上,或在主入口附近的“残疾人”空间(有适当的授权)。.
- 急诊和当日手术患者的停车位在指定的“患者/急诊科”或“残疾人”停车位(有适当的授权)。.
- 病人上下车在正门(环形车道).
Some quick rules you should know
我们必须做一些事情,以确保一切顺利,并确保你在十大靠谱网赌平台中心的时间对你尽可能好. 下面我们将介绍从入学信息到摄影和我们的气味政策的所有内容.
Your personal information is strictly confidential; we do not distribute your information to anybody outside of our staff. 我们收集这些信息是为了让我们的工作人员和安全人员知道您是谁以及您的需求可能是什么. What will you need to bring:
- A form of Photo ID (ie. License, passport, state ID, etc.)
- Health insurance information
- A list of medications and dosage
- A list of any allergies and other special medical needs
纽约州医疗代理法律允许你指定一个你信任的人代替你做医疗决定,如果你失去了为自己做决定的能力. 这些代理人可以是一个家庭成员或亲密的朋友,你可以自信地把你的幸福交给他们.
Please DO NOT 入院时携带下列物品:
- Valuable papers or documents
- Scented personal care products
- Items of sentimental value, jewelry, or expensive clothing
- Large amounts of cash
- Alcoholic beverages or drugs
- 大型电子产品、收音机或插入式电器,除非工作人员另有批准
Visiting hours
COVID-19 Precautions
(updated 7.25.20)
根据疾病预防控制中心和卫生部的指导,由于COVID-19,我们的访问受到限制. Please visit our COVID-19 Visitor Response Plan for the most update on our current visitation guidelines.
我们非常努力地让您和您所爱的人尽可能轻松地浏览医疗保健系统. 我们提供有关我们提供的医疗服务价格的信息, as well as health plans that we participate with and the names, numbers, 以及我们的合同/附属供应商的计费联系信息. 请阅读我们的病人财务政策或进一步的问题,关于您的账单, please contact our Customer Service Department 电话:315-361-2087,周一至周五上午9点至下午3点.
Fire Safety
我们定期进行消防演习,您可能会在住院或就诊期间经历一次. When you hear the fire alarm, please return to your room. 如果需要采取任何行动,我们会通知你,而不仅仅是呆在你的房间里. 如果你在医院食堂,请待在那里直到解除警报信号发出. 发生火灾或消防演习时,不得使用电梯.
There is absolutely no smoking permitted on campus. This is for your safety and the health of our patients. 如果你想戒烟,想了解更多关于戒烟课程的信息, call 315-361-2075 or “Tri-County Quits” at 315-624-5371.
No Scent Policy
Please refrain from wearing perfumes, aftershaves, scented hair sprays, hand lotions, baby lotions, deodorant, etc. There are increasing allergies among the public, patients, and staff—this rule is for their health, comfort, and safety. Thank you for your cooperation.
出于对病人和员工隐私和尊严的尊重, photography and video recording are prohibited.
The Hospital: What does it have for visitors?
ATMs are available for the convenience of our visitors. 有一个在咖啡厅,另一个就在一楼的电梯外面.
车站休息咖啡厅的自助餐厅从早上7点到下午6点半开放 & Grill. 校园周围的自动售货机24小时供应冷热食品. They can be found on the first floor outside of the café, on the third floor near the lullaby center, and on the fourth-floor waiting room.
Religious/Spiritual services
If you, or a loved one in our care, 在您或他们逗留期间是否需要精神或宗教咨询,我们建议您在与我们长期逗留之前联系您的宗教/精神领袖. On-call clergy is available in the event of an emergency. 志愿者卓别林服务为患者和家属提供,我们的教堂就在正门里面.
Phones, TV, and WiFi access
Communication Resources and Interpreters
If you are hearing impaired and need a signing interpreter, 请让我们知道,这样我们可以为您提供与工作人员沟通的手段,并得到最好的照顾! 我们也为非英语患者提供口译服务. 所有通讯服务都是免费的,您的隐私将得到充分保护.
The Area: The sites, sounds, and places to stay
如果你的驾车距离超过一石之遥,并且需要住宿, 奥奈达地区有很多地方供你选择,无论你是住一晚, or for multiple days.
- Super 8 Oneida Vernon
- Oneida Community Mansion House
- Oneida Lake Inn
- La Quinta Inn & Suites Verona
- And more!
Taxi Services
- Delano Taxi: (315) 697-3237
- CNY Green Taxi: (315) 708-9654
- Clinton Taxi Cab Company: (315) 853-3355