


今天就开始你的医疗事业吧! Quickly increase your earning potential with a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) License. We provide candidates with real hands-on experience, 结构化的75小时课堂培训, 还有就业安排.

我们的目标是让您成功. The CNA class is an entrance into a healthcare career with many opportunities. 作为CNA, 您将在日常护理中发挥关键作用,同时为您作为LPN的推荐十大靠谱网赌平台打开大门, RN, 及以后.

Please contact me about the Unit Helper/CNA class 


  • 免费75小时培训计划
  • Early Acceptance  – 在你训练前或训练中获得报酬!
  • Job Placement After Graduation at Oneida ECF with Pay Increase
  • 教科书,学生手册,学习指南 & 包含所有技能补给
  • 2年心肺复苏和AED证书
  • 最先进的教室 & 医疗设备
  • Classroom instruction provided by a licensed RN
  • Hands-on clinical experience at a local long-term care facility



十大靠谱网赌平台的延伸护理, 与社区伙伴合作, is a clinical site for Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) education. 我们的专业培训结合了课堂教学和实践课程,旨在帮助个人为养老院的居民提供个人护理. The training is 75-hours in length and involves 5 full days of training per week. Classes are generally held quarterly throughout the year.

At the end of the training program, individuals take a written certification exam. 一次认证, 个人可以在住宿护理机构开始注册护理助理的工作. 根据联邦法规,合格的申请人必须具有高中文凭或完成GED,并且没有先前的犯罪记录.

Applicants will not have to wait for the classes to begin to start working.

Prior to the start of our CNA training classes, 申请人将有机会作为单位助理工作,在那里他们将获得与CNA工作职责相关的实践经验. 这可以包括准备住宿房间, 整理空床, 转移的居民, and assisting clinical staff prior to the start of the class.

一旦课程开始,参与者将过渡到现场教室进行75小时的培训. 课程是免费的,测试是免费的,参与者在培训期间获得单位助手率的报酬. 毕业后,毕业生将成为注册会计师,在我们的ECF工作,并获得加薪.

Once you become a CNA, you can go on to be an LPN, RN, or NP – the sky is the limit. 我们提供大学学费报销(每学期学费525万美元,报销50%) 十大靠谱网赌平台基金会 has annual scholarships available as well to help support continued education.

  • 小班授课
  • 立即开始工作
  • 在你训练前或训练中获得报酬
  • 实践经验
  • Licensed Instructors with Professional Experience
  • 只需75小时的训练
  • 高中文凭或普通教育文凭
  • Must pass an 十大靠谱网赌平台 criminal background check before registration
  • Completion of 十大靠谱网赌平台 employee orientation

成功完成课程后, 学生将有资格参加国家能力测试,成为注册护士助理(CNA)。. 国家能力测试是对护理助理相关知识、技能和能力的评估. Pearson View考试包括笔试和口试,以及技能评估. 考试的目的是确保学生理解并能够安全地执行初级护士助理的工作.

The course prepares students to seek employment in various healthcare settings, 包括熟练的护理设施, 临终关怀, 膳宿及护理/退休设施, 康复医院, 精神病院, 还有老年人日托设施.



想象一下,有一份工作能让你因为关心他人而得到奖励,这是一份令人兴奋又充满挑战的工作,一份你能有所作为的工作. Whether you’re just starting your career or ready for a change, now is the time to consider becoming a Nurse Assistant. In most states, a Nurse Assistant is referred to as a (CNA).

作为CNA, you will be an important part of today’s world of health care, with knowledge and skills that are 总是 in demand. 奥内达保健中心的培训计划为个人提供成为护士助理所需的信息和经验,这些护士助理将为长期护理机构的居民提供高质量的护理, 医院, 家庭保健, 临终关怀的设置.

Unit Helper是十大靠谱网赌平台开设的一个带薪职位,旨在让潜在的CNA候选人在接受课程认证之前体验一下CNA的日常工作. Many of the same job roles and services are performed by our Unit Helpers, giving them practical experience before course entry.

CNA培训 classes begin as soon as we have enough students, typically quarterly.

容易! 只是 点击完成我们的在线表格 你很快就会收到我们的消息.

是的,真的很免费. 没有陷阱. We have a high demand for CNAs 医疗专业人员. 如此之高,以至于我们愿意为未来的员工提供免费的培训课程.




十大靠谱网赌平台认证护士助理培训计划帮助学生学习技能,使他们能够为养老院的居民提供高质量的护理, 以及补充信息和技能,使毕业生能够在家里为客户和医院的病人提供高质量的医疗保健.


  • 第一单元:入门课程
  • 第二单元:基本护理技能
  • 第三单元:个人护理技能
  • Unit 4: Mental Health and Social Service Needs
  • Unit 5: Care of Cognitively Impaired Residents
  • 第六单元:基本恢复性服务
  • 第7单元:居民的权利

CNA培训的目的是为你提供病人所需的护理水平做好准备. 的课堂, 或理论, 我们的CNA培训计划的一部分将帮助你了解和学习如何提供适当的病人护理. This component includes lectures and hands-on, in-class practice.

After successfully completing your in-class work, you’ll begin part 2 of the course – clinical work – which allows you to, 在执业护士的指导下, work directly with patients in a healthcare facility.

Although your interests may be vast and varied, 我们的注册护士助理培训计划可以帮助您发展适用于各种医疗保健环境的技能. 这种方式, 在你专攻或选择通过额外的培训进一步发展你的职业之前,你可以建立一个信息和良好习惯的基础. Currently, the CNA training program includes instruction on:

  • CPR和AED的使用
  • 感染控制
  • 测量生命体征
  • 运动范围练习
  • Becoming a valuable and adaptable employee
  • Communication, teamwork, and diversity skills for the workplace
  • 照顾的艺术
  • 促进安全
  • 特殊护理说明
  • 从学生到雇员的转变


The first part of our CNA training takes place in the classroom. 课堂培训期间, students will learn all aspects of patient care, through lectures as well as hands-on demonstrations and practice. 学生还将获得心肺复苏术认证.

Upon completion of the classroom training, students will begin the second part of the program which consists of clinical training. 在临床培训期间,学生将直接在医疗机构与患者一起工作. 您将由一名经国家批准的注册护士助理培训讲师监督.

在你的临床轮转经历中, 你将和其他助手一起工作, 护士, 医疗专业人员. 你将了解作为一名注册护士助理在长期护理机构的日常工作是怎样的.



2004年,这一数字为1.4 million nurse assistants employed in the US. Nurse assistants and CNAs are employed in various facilities including 医院, 诊所, 家庭护理.

The job growth for Nurse Assistants is faster than average, with an expected growth of 20% or more by 2020. A total of more than 300,000 additional employees will be needed. There are excellent employment opportunities for Nurse Assistants across the nation.

随着医疗领域的不断发展,护士助理处于高质量患者护理的第一线. 对于那些对护理领域感兴趣但又不确定该走哪条路的人来说,成为护士助理是个好主意. 护士助理的工作将使你走上通往医疗领域高质量推荐十大靠谱网赌平台的快车道.

Top Reasons to Become a Certified Nurse Assistant

  • Over 100 years of nursing experience and an industry leader.
  • 我们的教练是国家认可的有执照的护士(RNs), lpn / lvn(各州允许).

Bureau of Labor Quick Facts: Nursing Assistants

2019年薪酬中位数 每年29,640美元
典型入门级教育 Postsecondary non-degree certificate or diploma
相关职业的工作经验 没有一个
在职培训 没有一个
就业人数,2018年 1,564,200
2028-2098年就业展望 9%(快于平均水平)
就业变化,2018-28 137,800



测试将在ECF进行. With your CNA preparation courses and clinical complete, 你已经掌握了通过执照考试和技能测试所需的知识——剩下的就是去参加考试了.


  • 笔试采用多项选择的形式来测试你对护理概念的了解. You have 90 minutes to complete 60 questions.
  • The clinical skills test requires you to perform nursing tasks before a test evaluator.

As your testing date approaches, you may be wondering what to expect. In order to help you achieve the best possible outcome, 我们已经创建了一个考试日信息列表,旨在确保您拥有考试所需的一切.


  • Be sure to bring all required documentation to your test day. 这将包括一个状态应用程序, 国家批准信, 有效的带照片的身份证件, 和社保卡或打印件.
  • Arrive at the testing site at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. Be sure to set aside the entire day for your test.
  • Wear scrubs or a uniform, supportive, non-skid shoes, and a watch with a second hand.
  • Bring snacks, pencils, pens (blue or black ink), lunch, and water.



在成为护理助理之前,先做一名临时护理助理(TNA),这对了解住院医师很有帮助. 它真的让我为这门课做好了准备.



短短的一堂课,你学到了很多东西. I feel well trained and that I will be able to be successful as a CNA. The hands on experience the class provided was perfect for me.



很棒的经历 & 易于完成. I have been working as a CNA for over 6 months now & 一定会再来一次吗. 我打算继续做一名护士.


